


阿拉巴马州的加兹登. – 十大赌博app President Martha Lavender has announced that the College will begin fall semester classes as planned on Aug. 19.

“We have been given approval to have a measured reopening with modified access,”她说。. “We will continue to monitor the COVID-19 pandemic and will adjust our instructional and operational plans as needed. 此时此刻, 我们的十大赌博app是教育我们的员工, students and the community on protocols and procedures designed to mitigate risk of transmission while providing educational guidance and instruction.”

十大赌博app所有校区将重新开放注册, 8月8日的咨询和财务援助服务. 13. 福勒大厅, 学院的宿舍位于华莱士大道校区, 也会开放给居民办理入住手续吗.

“In-person faculty advisement and any other meetings with students will not be conducted in offices but in a large conference room or classroom,”她说。. “We encourage students to request advisement and other meetings to be conducted by phone, 电子邮件或通过Zoom或Blackboard协作进行虚拟会议.”

8月. 19, 面对面, 校园教学 will begin for courses and programs that require hands-on assessment of skills and technical competencies, 临床和基于工作的学习经验. 大多数通识教育课程, as well as theory-based courses in career technical and health sciences programs, 会完全在线提供吗.

“当需要亲自上课时, 它们将以分裂混合格式提供,”她说。. “Half of the class meets in person one day a week and the other half of the class meets in person the second day of the week.”

All course content will be online so students can take online classes when they are not attending 面对面 classes.

“This will allow for six-foot social distancing and ensure courses have also been fully developed in an online format if a quick transition to exclusive online instruction becomes necessary as it did during the spring semester,拉文德说.

学生 will be required to sign waivers indemnifying the 阿拉巴马社区学院系统 of any legal action as a result of participating in 面对面 instruction. 导师会有学生签名的弃权书.

The libraries located at the Wallace Drive, Ayers and Cherokee campuses will be open for student use.

Computer areas will allow 50 percent capacity for social distancing and student safety. 图书馆将继续不对公众开放.

成人教育课程, 比如GED课程和考试, 是否采用保持社交距离和混合课程的方式. 技能培训课程, 例如认证护理助理计划和准备工作计划, will be conducted with hybrid online instruction and a modified schedule to limit contact and maximize social distancing.

Modifications will be made in the class schedule to provide opportunities for all 面对面, 校园教学, 包括实验和实践指导, 以便在11月11日前完成. 20. 校外临床, preceptorships and apprenticeships (work-based learning) may continue until the end of the semester, 也就是Dec. 15.

作为修改访问权限重新开放的一部分, 都是十大赌博app的学生, faculty and visitors are required to wear masks on College premises whenever a six-foot distance cannot be maintained. 洗手和消毒将继续经常被鼓励. 和, facilities will continue to be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected by the trained custodial and maintenance staff.

“One of the biggest changes everyone will see is the requirement that they have their temperatures checked upon arriving to campus effective Aug. 拉文德说. “如果一个人的体温是100.4 degrees or greater, the student or faculty member will be asked to leave campus. 那些没有发烧的人会得到一个彩色的腕带, 哪些人需要整天呆在学校. Individuals without proper clearance will be asked to leave campus until they can indicate that they are cleared through a temperature checkpoint.”

学生, employees and visitors should come to campus at least 15 minutes earlier than their usual time to accommodate the temperature checks. Campus security officers will staff temperature checkpoints on the Wallace Drive, 东广, 艾尔斯和切罗基校区,早上六点开始.m. 直到下午5点.m. Officers will scan people’s temperature as they remain in their personal vehicles. The 十大赌博app will have temperature testing stations located at the entrance of each building.

There will be designated entrances at the campuses with drive-thru checkpoints. All other entrances will be blocked to ensure that everyone is coming through a temperature checkpoint. 有关指定入口及检查站地点的详情包括:

  • 华理士道校区: 入口是红衣主教大道和华莱士大道的红绿灯. The temperature checkpoint will be located in the median between the first and second lane into the Wallace Hall parking lot.
  • 东校区: 入口是乔治华莱士大道的红绿灯. 检查点在枢机大道.
  • Ayers校园: Entrances are at the main campus entrance by the Learning Resource Center and the Cheaha Center entrance (6:45 a.m. 到10岁.m. 唯一的). The checkpoint will be located before the intersection leading to the Cheaha Center.
  • 加兹登州切罗基人: 入口是竞技场前的第一个入口. The station will be located at the beginning of the educational building parking lot.


学生 and employees will be required to show their Gadsden State-issued identification badge before they are scanned in their cars. 游客, 包括未来的学生, 会说明访问目的和目的地吗.

学生, employees and visitors are also asked to self-assess for signs and symptoms of COVID-19 before entering a Gadsden State building.

“We have a short health screening questionnaire posted on the entrance of every building,拉文德说. 如果有人对任何一个问题的回答是肯定的, they are asked not to enter the building and to go home or seek consultation with their health care provider.”

学生 are encouraged to regularly check their Gadsden State email and Blackboard for communication from instructors. 信息rmation will also be regularly posted on social media and the College’s website.

详细的重新开放计划可在 tc6a.guidetohairlossproducts.com/coronavirus. The plan contains more in-depth information regarding facility protocols, COVID-19测试, 校园活动和会议, 住宿及餐饮服务, 学生服务, 残疾服务及资源, 劳动力计划, 成人教育课程, 访问级别, 清洁规程和温度程序.


在此下载详细的重开计划: GSCC REOPENING PLAN: Preparations Instructional/Operation Services ~ Fall 2020